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Become  a  Teen  Talent

Mick Copper 
Zack Cauldron
Jack Luca
Jake Jackson

The Cinetorium Brothers are looking to build a band of Teen Talents between the age of 12 and 16. If you are a singer, actor, and play a musical instrument or dance, then Cinetorium is a career for you. But if you are considering joining Cinetorium as a Teen Talent, there are a few things to consider. 

  1. You must be a fit to one of the characters above.
    (Click to picture to learn more about them)

  2. As Teen Talents are musical roles, you must be able to sing as well as act to audition - musical instrument and dancing skills are also preferred. 

  3. At Cinetorium, you will be treated as a recording artist as well as an movie actor. The job will involve recording, gigging, media and community appearances as well as film production. 

  4. At this present time, we are only accepting applications from male Teen Talents between the age of 12 and 15, who live southern suburbs of Greater Brisbane Aera (Including Logan City) to northern suburbs of the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia. 

Why Join Cinetorium?
If performing arts, music, and film production is your passion, Cinetorium is a great way to kick start your career. You may choose to build an entire career in Cinetorium, or simply just join for a period of time, just for the experience alone.  At Cinetorium, we take the safety and well being very seriously. Our aim is to develop our Teen Talents into respectful artists, with no concern of abuse, violation or exploitation. We aim to provide a sanctuary where Teen Talents can grow naturally at their own pace, under the guidance of responsible mentors. We also encourage parents to get involved, so they can keep a watchful eye on their child. We aim to create a fun environment, where Teen Talents will get time to play and relax on social outings and activities. We have strict policies in place, and even supply counselling and tutoring when needed.


Still thinking of joining? Please fill out the form to the left to join our waiting list. If your application is accepted, we will inform when a vacancy becomes available to audition. 

How To Apply. 


Please feel in the form below and submit a self-tape video clip


In the self-tape, please begin with an introduction, stating your name, age, and the suburb you are from. Tell us something interesting about yourself - sell yourself to us. Why do you think you will make a great Teen Talent, and how do you see yourself playing the character as described.  


Then we'll ask you to perform a song in acapela of your choice. 


Do you have any other Talents? Do play a musical instrument, dance, any process any athlete, sporting or acrobatic skills? Any talents you have that may entertain and inspire our audiences, we'd love to hear about and be demonstrated.


Thanks for submitting!

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